    The clean solution
    Icon hospitals

    Veruno Scientific Institute

    M-iQ yields major improvements in working conditions

    Veruno Scientific Institute

    The M-iQ offers top-notch wash performance with a unique sparkle – and it also saves money on water, detergents and power.

    “When we looked at the many different solutions available on the market, the main problem was to choose a reliable product, but in particular one that would improve the working environment and logistics in the washing-up area. In this sense the M-iQ gave us everything we were looking for”.

    The Salvatore Maugeri Foundation was set up as an ‘Occupational Therapy Clinic’ in 1965 in the form of a private-law legal entity by Prof. Salvatore Maugeri, after whom the Treatment and Nursing Home was named.

    The Foundation’s aim is to promote health and safety in the workplace by identifying and preventing the risks linked to manufacturing and to promote rehabilitation by helping disabled people back into society and work and preventing handicaps. It works with a large number of institutions, clinics and prevention services throughout the country. There are centres offering treatment in Lombardy, Liguria, Piedmont and Agrigento, and prevention services in the form of Environmental and Industrial Hygiene Laboratories located in Pavia, Casano delle Murge (Bari) and Padua.

    Photo caption: Donatello Rinaldi, Facility Manager at The Salvatore Maugeri Foundation with the M-iQ Model K-S54 P6. The Veruno Scientific Institute, part of the Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, opened in 1972. It has a total of 315 beds, and is an officially recognised scientific treatment and nursing home (IRCCS) and highly specialised rehabilitation hospital of national importance. The Institute has four inpatient units, each with its own chief physician, and nine specialist healthcare units.

    “All in all, I would recommend the M-iQ, especially when results and savings are important, as the investment is recouped over 4-5 years.”

    Donatello Rinaldi, Facility Manager with the hospital since 2011, has significant experience in the technical and planning area. When it came to renovating the washing-up room the reasoning was as follows: “When you want the best in terms of continuity and results, you have to choose the market leader and MEIKO is definitely the right partner for us. The fact that it is German is a plus, in addition to its overall compact perfection, developed thanks to major innovations in technology.”

    Rinaldi continues, “It is important to point out how the washing-up room has improved beyond recognition. The washing-up area is more hygienic and clean. Heat output has been reduced to a minimum, as has machine noise. Once we had trained our staff we just needed one person dedicated to using the machine, which is very straightforward, with more scrupulous and organised washing management and incredible logistics in the input and output of the ware.

    “The washing results are what have enabled MEIKO to stand out. It offers excellent quality and a unique shine, together with savings in water, detergent and energy. The M-iQ is unbeatable also in terms of its after-sales service. It needs very little maintenance, just what is strictly necessary to ensure the machine washes properly."